The Past of Arthas Menethil

The Past of Arthas Menethil

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Death of Arthas Menethil

R.I.P ~Arthas~
Arthas: "Father! Is it over?"
Terenas: "At long last. No kings rules forever, my son. But you going to die again in next week coz of raid reset! hehehe!"
Arthas: " Nooooo~ I see only darkness for me.."

Ultimately, Arthas' plans were foiled when Tirion Fordring destroyed Frostmourne with the Ashbringer, releasing the souls inside (Arthas' included). As he lay dying, comforted by the spirit of his father, Arthas asked if it was over, to which Terenas replied "At long last. No king rules forever, my son". Arthas then claimed to see only darkness before him, with his eyes rolling back and his hand falling lifelessly to the ground.

Let us mourned for his death.
I'll be updating some history about Arthas later...

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